This style blog has been a long time coming. As in its been literally planned over and over again in my mind for N years. The lack of sufficient web designing skills and a decent camera were the only things stopping me. But really, the web designing part is not a biggie anymore as there are templates available. So done with that, check! Although I wouldn't turn down anyone who wants to breathe life into my crappy generic blog. help please?
A decent camera on the other hand is hard to come by. After all, how am I supposed to take note of my outfits if all I have is a point-and-shoot? My cashflow right now is pretty non-existent as my freelance publishing job pays, well, late. And I am now officially part of the workforce and am on the verge of being unemployed (thank you freelance job for at least saving me from the lovely status of unemployed). So at this point, I shall have to leech off from my lovely friends for outfit photos (hello Lester!). Or I can make do with my trusty but ancient point-and-shoot provided that natural light (hello bipolar sun) will be all over the place. With the weather in Manila being so wonky nowadays, I say, fat chance. Boo.
But still, a girl can dream, right? So to save this post from an all-text destiny, here are my dream cameras:
Sony α NEX - 5

The Sony α nex-5 has been on my lust-list since the start of this year. It's a nifty little camera that has interchangeable lenses for point-and-shoot and dSLR quality photos. Woot! I really am in lust. And at a price of $699.99 for the kit with the 18-55mm 3.5 - 5.6 lens, it's a pretty good deal. But it's still a deal that my diet cashflow cannot handle.
Canon G-12

The Canon G-12 is the newest in the line I call the G-series. It pretty much combines the point-and-shoot portability and functionality with dSLR quality. If the photos you have to take don't really need to be high-res then this is definitely a nice substitute for the clunky dSLRs. Of course, quality is sacrificed. This is perfect for me since I'll only be taking photos for vanity's sake. This baby will set you and I back by about $499. A bit cheaper than the Sony camera, plus I'm a sucker for Canon. So user-friendly!
Canon 450D/Digital Rebel XSi

I guess I can say that this is the camera I'm most familiar with since this is the camera I usually borrow from my fabulous friend Lester when I travel. Yes, the ownership is kinda conjugal. Anyhoo, it's a breeze to use and is really user friendly. Yup, I have a Canon bias. The damage? $899 which includes the 18-55 IS lens. My only complaint is that its flash regularly gives up on us. The pop-up mechanism's not all that as most of the time we have to pry it up for it to work its magic for us. But still, the photo quality is superb.
So those are my camera lust-haves. We'll see how I can manage to get my hands on one of these babies. Stay tuned to see how this turns out. Wish me luck!